
最常的疑問都是Hihi 搗蛋鬼,布幕下到底是什麼!?但老實說連我們也沒辦法告訴大家⋯換個說法吧我們會問:你希望是什麼?喜歡的動物?還是某個小時後的神秘朋友,那天我們的粉絲說她都當作小時後捉弄他的同學(確認不是霸凌吧!),刻意設計出來的BUG,好像就不是BUG了吧!

The most common question is, 'What is Hihi Prankster really like behind the scenes!?' But honestly, even we can't tell you... To put it another way, we would ask: What do you hope for? Your favorite animal? Or leave it to your imagination to decide who this mysterious friend is that appears after a certain hour!"