
Nepeta Liu 貓仔草是一個將藝術融入生活的插畫品牌,作品蘊含豐富情感和故事,以細膩筆觸和獨特歐美風格傳達視覺訊息和共鳴。主要產品包括明信片、貼紙和資料夾等實用小物,讓藝術融入日常。我們相信圖像是情感交流和心靈共鳴的表現,致力於每幅插畫都觸動觀眾心靈,讓藝術成為生活一部分。

Nepeta Liu Illustration is an illustration brand that integrates art into daily life. Our works are imbued with rich emotions and stories, conveyed through delicate strokes and a unique Western aesthetic. We believe that images are expressions of emotional exchange and spiritual resonance, striving for each illustration to touch the hearts of viewers and make art a part of life.