
BOPOMOO名稱來由為台灣獨有的拼字法則「注音符號」的諧音,尾巴的兩個O如同我們的Logo一樣,兩兩兜在一起~追求個體與個體之間的連結的波波畝,以旗下自家IP—BOPOMOO family來宣揚波波畝理念,並希望透過商品像ㄎㄧㄤ杯、雙杯杯墊、對tee等,將愉快、溫暖、滑稽等情緒傳遞給大家!

“BOPOMOO” comes from the homophonic of Taiwan's phonetic symbol. The double o in the tail expresses “a pair of anything”, just like the image of our logo. BOPOMOO seeks the sparks where the connection is made, focuses the emotion between one each, takes on everything from happiness, warmth to facetiousness, and strangeness as our inspiration — all the simplicities and intricacies of life.