胖極 Pangiistudio 是我的插畫品牌。
一隻小小又肥肥的北極熊, 和生活在南極的企鵝們相遇了!
外型與個性天差地遠的他們, 但還是可以一起生活、創造可愛故事
日日好日,可愛every day !
希望能透過文字與插畫圖文, 帶給大家暖暖的感覺 !
一隻小小又肥肥的北極熊, 和生活在南極的企鵝們相遇了!
外型與個性天差地遠的他們, 但還是可以一起生活、創造可愛故事
日日好日,可愛every day !
希望能透過文字與插畫圖文, 帶給大家暖暖的感覺 !
Pangiistudio is my illustration brand.
A small and chubby polar bear met the penguins living in the Antarctic!
Despite their vastly different appearances and personalities, they can still live together and create lovely stories.
Every day is a good day, lovely every day!
I hope to bring everyone a warm feeling through words and illustrated images!
A small and chubby polar bear met the penguins living in the Antarctic!
Despite their vastly different appearances and personalities, they can still live together and create lovely stories.
Every day is a good day, lovely every day!
I hope to bring everyone a warm feeling through words and illustrated images!