
日常練習是一個馬來西亞中文手寫字品牌。 我們會把生活上發現有趣的句子或自己的想法做成不同的產品和群眾做活動。 目前有的產品種類有:明信片、貼紙、海報、鑰匙圈、徽章、小雜誌(ZINE)、衣服和帆布袋。我們主要出沒在馬來西亞的市集裡,同時也會做網路銷售和把產品放在選品店寄賣。

Daily Practice is a Malaysian Chinese Lettering brand. We create products and host events for the community using interesting sentences we discover in daily life or our own ideas. Our current range of products includes postcards, stickers, keychains, badges, zines, and canvas bags. We primarily appear at markets in Malaysia, but we also sell online and consign our products in select stores.