

Kuroro Space Exploration Team


Kuroro 是一隻來自遙遠星球NGC6543 (貓眼星雲) 地球特派員,最喜歡吃著香噴噴的罐頭,偷偷觀察人類。同時與好朋友 小綠、裘莉、魚星人 共同組成「Kuroro地球探查隊」在地球進行各式各樣的有趣冒險。別看他好吃懶做的樣子,認真起來可是很驚人的呦!

Space Cat Kuroro came from a far far away planet - NGC-6543 (Cat's Eye Nebula). He like to have fish can and observe human behavior. Kuroro built a team "Kuroro Space Exploration Team with friends Mido, Jolie and fish alien to take a fantasy adventure on the earth. He may look like lazy bones, but he is amazing when he is serious.