
滿臉鬍子的 MALUT หม่าลั่ด 外表冷酷但情感充沛,獨特的幽默感令人會心微笑。俏皮有型的他經常戴上墨鏡,靜靜留意周遭的事物。Malut生活在節奏急速的香港,卻對泰國慢活心生嚮往。他勇於跨越舒適圈,不斷嘗試踏出鮮明的步伐。

Playful and stylish, MALUT หม่าลั่ด is full of emotions with unique humour. The cool-looking bearded man always puts on his sunglasses and pays attention to things around him quietly. Living in the fast-paced city of Hong Kong, MALUT yearns for the slow-life style in Thailand. Yet, he never stops trying, dares to step out of his comfort zone and take a bold stride.