Dino Valley
恐龍山丘為專業親子教育品牌,同時品牌以恐龍角色IP插畫及周邊商品有趣而且實用。以多元智能為設計概念,創作出八隻不同個性的小恐龍。故事加入了在地元素, 記錄了他們在恐龍山丘裡的小故事。
我們致力推動透過體驗去學習不同知識。近年專注於SDGs 教育推廣,連結在地企業利用可循環再造的材料再造成新產品。
我們致力推動透過體驗去學習不同知識。近年專注於SDGs 教育推廣,連結在地企業利用可循環再造的材料再造成新產品。
With multiple intelligences as the design concept, we have created eight little dinosaurs with different personalities, and the story around the daily life in the Dino Valley. We have dedicated our efforts to promotion of SDGs. We connect with local businesses to incorporate recycled materials into educational products, educating the public through practical actions.