

New Fonming Tea Business Co., Ltd.


新鳳鳴成立於1982年臺南,是首家通過ISO22000 HACCP認證的製茶廠,專注於台灣茶葉創新。2008年起,我們針對年輕市場推出「茶非茶」複方茶品,並創新滴漏泡法和快速冷泡茶等產品,不斷升級與開發受市場接受度高之商品。提供茶品開發、訂製風味、包裝設計與代工服務,致力於「安心、信賴、滿意」。

Founded in 1982 in Tainan, the first tea factory passed ISO22000 HACCP certifications, focusing on Taiwanese tea innovation. Since 2008, we have targeted the younger market by blending with herbal teas to create a new blend tea, innovating with drip brewing and quick cold brew tea products. We offer tea product development, custom flavors, packaging design, and OEM services.