umami 是「鮮味」的意思,擁有一種調和且餘韻甚長的特性。我們希望將同樣的體驗帶入日常中,在家中放入umami的設計就如同料理放入剛剛好的鹽、胡椒,不須過度裝潢,依靠好的家具選擇就能讓家變得不一樣!豐富我們的生活、為家的氛圍添味。讓來自台灣的設計師的創新設計與職人的細膩技術,為你的空間調味。
umami is a furniture design brand. For us, furniture design is very similar to cooking. And the design itself is like seasoning the dishes, adding salt and pepper and sort of ingredients to make sure everything is on point in just nice volume. Eventually, we’d like to influence the living place efficiently and then make your life tasty!