
水泥工藝品牌「初泥 true nii」成立於2021年,產品類別為盆器、花瓶,居家生活物件。運用手工灌注及陶捏技巧,結合獨特細緻的調色技法,以自然萬物風貌為題,為水泥穿上柔和色彩。選用質地細緻的台灣水庫淤泥再造水泥,賦予本地廢料嶄新樣貌,創作出有別傳統水泥冰冷堅硬印象,富含溫度的特色工藝品。

The cement craftsmanship brand "true nii" specializes in pots, vases, and household items. Utilizing hand-pouring and pottery techniques, along with unique color-blending methods, we infuse cement with soft hues inspired by nature, departing from its traditional cold and hard image. The cement raw material is sourced from sediment in Taiwanese reservoirs, giving new life to local waste materials.