


Brand Introduction

老木創生,以「樹木的原美學就是最好的設計」理念成為臺灣文創品牌的柔性亮點。緣於母語諧音LaoMu,結合SDGs 發展目標直白表達對大地之母的敬意,運用精湛的職人木工技術將可再生循環創作的臺灣木料延續無用為大用之物命轉化成森系美學產品融入大家的日常生活中,希望藉此傳達臺灣木頭的獨特藝術、芬芳及溫度。

LaoMu, a standout brand from Tainan, is rooted in the belief that “the original aesthetics of trees is the best design.” The name reflects respect for Mother Earth, in line with SDGs principles. We transform renewable and recycled domestic timber into products that bring the spirit of “the great use of uselessness" to life, conveying the unique artistry, fragrance, and warmth of Taiwan wood.