Brand Introduction

汪來汪趣wdog以人類最忠實的朋友-狗狗來做為品牌形象 ,加上擬人化的個性,多犬種及多元的性格讓狗狗們除了陪伴的角色,有如朋友相處時會有的關心與吐槽,希望藉由可愛逗趣的圖像及詼諧幽默的風格,為消費者帶來暖心的陪伴與快樂的紓壓,就如同我們品牌使命,要帶給大家幸福與快樂。

The characters of WDOG are a bunch of dogs with vibrant personalities,multiple dog breeds and diverse personalities, They are pretty much like your friends who always care about you and keep you accompany.
About the brand, with the illustrations and products design developments, we deliver the happiness and joys to you just like the core value of our company.