


Brand Introduction

「慕竹閣」的名字取自於對竹的慕愛之情,也象徵著對家鄉的思念和對生活的熱愛。我們 以竹為主要原料,匠心獨具,將竹的優雅和自然之美融入每一件作品之中,希望每一個人 都能夠感受到竹的魅力。同時也將這份愛與美好傳遞下去,讓更多人加入保護自然、永續利用,並了解喜愛這份文化遺產的行列。

The name "Muzhu" comes from the love for bamboo, and also symbolizes the longing for hometown and love for life. We use bamboo as the main raw material and are unique in craftsmanship. We integrate the elegance and natural beauty of bamboo into every work, hoping that everyone can feel the charm of bamboo.