
Good Vibes Select 生活美學選物店

Good Vibes Select 生活美學選物店

Brand Introduction

Good Vibes Select 是香港的生活美學品牌,成立於2022年初。我們相信動植物擁有無形的能量,透過產品營造舒適氛圍,激發積極情緒。產品包括手工秘魯聖木芯蠟燭、聖木質精品及木質調香產品,均以高品質工藝小批量製造。

Good Vibes Select is a lifestyle brand from Hong Kong, founded in early 2022. We believe in the invisible energy of plants, creating a comfortable atmosphere through our products to inspire positive emotions. Our product range includes handcrafted Peruvian Palo Santo core candles, premium wood products, and wood-scented items, all made in small batches with high-quality craftsmanship.