Brand Introduction

《Wisi Huang》插畫創作品牌,以精緻質感、復古風格、及可愛動物角色為特點。致力於將手繪插畫的藝術價值、印刷工藝的極致體現與紙張觸感、以及「發現美好、用心對待」的核心故事,透過與日用品結合、浸染到人們的生活。希望帶給人們溫暖、喜悅,為生活添加一些質感和趣味。

Wisi Huang is an illustration brand dedicated to capturing the warmth of illustrations, the tactile craftsmanship of print and paper, and the essence of 'playful hearts, discovering beauty, and thoughtful care.' We aim to infuse these elements into everyday items, enriching people's lives with both warmth and a touch of heartfelt magic.