
Privacy Protection Policy for CREATIVE EXPO TAIWAN 2024

  1. The personal data you provide to CREATIVE EXPO TAIWAN 2024 will be collected, processed, and utilized by CREATIVE EXPO TAIWAN 2024 in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Act of the Republic of China. Without your consent, we will not disclose your name, address, email address, or any other legally protected personal information to any third party outside of CREATIVE EXPO TAIWAN 2024 or its related business partners (hereinafter referred to as "CREATIVE EXPO TAIWAN 2024's related business partners").
  2. To participate in the marketing, market analysis, statistics, or research of this site, or to provide members with personalized or value-added services, you agree that our company and our related business partners may record, save, and utilize the data and records you have left or generated in this unit. We may also provide your data and records to our related business partners and publicly disclose or use statistical data without revealing individual data.
  3. The CREATIVE EXPO TAIWAN 2024 website records users' IP addresses and browsing activities within the website. These data are only used internally by CREATIVE EXPO TAIWAN 2024 and its related business partners for aggregate analysis of website traffic and online behavior, which helps improve the quality of website services and does not involve the personal identity information of users.
  4. CREATIVE EXPO TAIWAN 2024 shall not use personal data for purposes other than the specified purposes unless one of the following conditions is met: (1) as required by law; (2) to enhance public interest; (3) to prevent danger to the life, body, freedom, or property of the data subject; (4) to prevent major harm to the rights and interests of others; (5) with the written consent of the data subject.
  5. To facilitate users' browsing and operation, CREATIVE EXPO TAIWAN 2024 may use cookie technology or other similar technologies to provide services more suitable for users' personal needs. Cookies are a technology used by web servers to communicate with users' browsers, and they may store certain information on users' computers. Users can cancel or restrict this function through browser settings. Instructions on how to set your browser to accept or reject cookies can be found in your browser's help section. If you choose to reject cookies, you will not be able to use some services of CREATIVE EXPO TAIWAN 2024. The web server can only read the activity records of readers within CREATIVE EXPO TAIWAN 2024, not activities on other websites.
  6. CREATIVE EXPO TAIWAN 2024's related websites or apps may contain links to other websites or web pages. The content or privacy policies of these sites or pages not belonging to CREATIVE EXPO TAIWAN 2024 are not related to CREATIVE EXPO TAIWAN 2024.
  7. CREATIVE EXPO TAIWAN 2024 respects the rights and interests of the parties when collecting, processing, and utilizing personal data, and does so in an honest and trustworthy manner. Personal data is minimized in processing and utilization within the scope of the specified purposes.
  8. If users have any questions about this policy or other matters related to personal data, they can contact the CREATIVE EXPO TAIWAN 2024 customer service mailbox, and we will provide the most complete explanation.
  9. If you are a resident of the EU, these countries may not have comprehensive data protection or other laws as your home country. However, we will take all necessary measures to protect your personal information in accordance with this privacy policy and applicable laws. CREATIVE EXPO TAIWAN 2024 will amend this policy as needed based on changes in social environment, technology, or legal requirements, to implement the intention of protecting your personal data and privacy rights. When we complete the amendments to this policy, it will be immediately posted on the CREATIVE EXPO TAIWAN 2024 website. Please check it frequently to stay informed.