Brand Introduction

現代人都有設計師的通病:日夜顛倒、生活作息不正常、掛著黑眼圈熬最晚的夜,這樣沉重的生活讓我們感覺很無力。所以設計靈感就從這裡出發,用很 「喪」的表情配上黑眼圈,因此「熬夜黑眼圈角色」就此 誕生!希望這一系列能夠成為人見人愛的潮流玩具。

People nowadays have the same problem that all designers face: an unhealthy daily routine. Such an unhealthy lifestyle often makes us feel powerless with our lives. Using the concept of “the feeling of powerlessness” on the facial expression, the “Late Night Dark Circles Character” is born. I believe that these series can become a new toy trend that bring hope into people’s daily lives.