County Pavilion

Lesson :D

  • Dates:2024.08.23(Fri)-2024.09.01(Sun)15:00-21:00
  • Introduction:

The Tainan City Government's exhibition area, titled "Lesson," transforms Tainan's rich culture into "Our Tainan Courses" echoing the core concept of Tainan as Taiwan's historical classroom.
The Tainan Concept Exhibition Area spans three main thematic areas: the "Main Campus," the "Comic Campus," and the "Cultural and Creative Campus." These are located at the 321 Art Alley Settlement, the Xizhuwei Hill Cultural and Creative Park, and the Blueprint Cultural and Creative Park, respectively, turning the entire city into a boundless, large-scale school. The activities running from 3 PM to 9 PM, and after sunset, the lively "Nighttime Tainan" begins. From themed markets, music performances, costume parades, to immersive exhibitions, a variety of exciting events will take place, so stay tuned.

✦ 「Lesson :D」 ✦

For the first time, the Creative Expo Taiwan is being held in Tainan, with venues spread throughout the city, including ICC Tainan, 321 Art Alley Settlement, Xizhuwei Hills Cultural and Creative Park, and Blueprint Cultural and Creative Park. To commemorate Tainan's 400-year history, the Tainan City Government's exhibition area adopts the theme "Lesson :D," transforming Tainan's rich culture into "mandatory lessons that aren’t tested," reflecting Tainan's role as the historical classroom of Taiwan.

✦ Follow the Cat ✦

During the Age of Exploration, merchant ships often kept cats to prevent rodent infestations. The "Kirin-tailed Cat," a breed particularly adept at catching rats, came to Taiwan during the Dutch colonial period in Indonesia and roamed the alleys of Tainan. This year's main visual design features the cat as a guide, leading visitors through Tainan's exhibition areas and alleys via cultural walks and installation art.

✦ Nighttime Tainan ✦

The Tainan Concept Exhibition Area will be open from 3 PM to 9 PM. This special edition of the Creative Expo Taiwan, "Nighttime Tainan," will feature night markets, music performances, costume parades, immersive exhibitions, and light projections. Additionally, three major historical sites will be open at night for the first time, offering a series of exciting events. Stay tuned for more!

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Main Campus:Our Tainan Courses

  • Venue:321 Art Alley Settlement
  • Introduction:

The "321 Art Alley Settlement," themed "Our Tainan Courses" has organized 14 courses, developing diverse exhibition spaces and interactive installations such as a library, a humanities lab, an art classroom, a gymnasium, and 'Class 20, Year 24.' In addition to static exhibitions and lecture activities, a series of passionate and joyful outdoor events are also planned. The "Night Market" and "Summer Memories" featuring songs about Tainan, a fairy parade, the glamorous appearance of drag queens, live concerts, and more. This lively event will be held for ten days.

Curatorial Team:Summertime Culture Co., Ltd.

Summertime Culture Co., Ltd. was established in December 2020, focusing on theatrical production, art curation, and IP development. It has participated in the planning and production of the Chiayi Pavilion at the 2020 Creative Expo Taiwan "Illuminate the Workers," the 33rd and 34th Traditional Arts Golden Melody Awards, and the Taiwan Pavilion at the Cultural Olympiad "Island Elegance," among others.

Curatorial Team:SIDOLI Cultural Integration Co.,Ltd.

Using 'sound' as a medium, to perceive and stimulate imagination through auditory senses, rediscovering another facet of local culture, exploring the profound experiences beneath every place in Taiwan. Stepping into stories, recreating scenes, gathering, documenting, and organizing all current sounds of local regions, through event planning and exhibition strategies, transmitting every culture, story, and event like sound waves to the heart.

Comic Campus: Gaining Knowledge through Comics

  • Venue:Xizhuwei Hills Cultural and Creative Park
  • Introduction:

The "Xizhuwei Hills Cultural and Creative Park" is themed "Gaining Knowledge through Comics" and has planned a series of activities featuring elements of Taiwanese comics. These activities include the Taiwan comics exhibition, comic forum, caricature drawing workshops, picnic markets, retro comic rental shops, and comic convenience stores. The main visual for this event was created by Xiaodao, a Golden Comic Awards winner. Many Taiwanese comic creators, local publishers, and other industry professionals have also been invited to participate. The event aims to showcase the recent trend of Taiwanese comics incorporating Taiwanese history and culture as a backdrop, highlighting their notable achievements and creative energy in the overseas market.

Curatorial Team:Printsgarden Studio

Established in 2015 and originally settled in the 321 Art Alley Settlement, with the goal of promoting creative printmaking activities and organizing art exhibitions. In 2020, it relocated to the "Xizhuwei Hills Cultural and Creative Park" and rebranded as "Graphic Life Studio." The studio focuses on image creation and further application, offering workshops and sales of related merchandise, including picture books, comics, zines, and illustrated cards. The second floor of the studio serves as an exhibition space, suitable for hosting exhibitions, lectures, and other art-related activities.

Cultural And Creative Campus:Kaleidoscope of Islands

  • Venue:Blueprint Cultural and Creative Park
  • Introduction:

"Kaleidoscope of Islands," this exhibition showcases the worldviews of creators and brands through brand and character IPs. The exhibition brings together numerous IP brands from Taiwan and features a variety of activities, including a spotlight carnival, cosplay parade, projection avenue, various talks, and hands-on workshops. Additionally, there will be numerous large-scale IP art installations. This exciting and diverse event aims to highlight Taiwan's vibrant cultural diversity and dynamic cultural transformation through the lens of a kaleidoscope.

Curatorial Team:Cheerfor

Originating from Tainan, Cheerfor is Asia's leading designer platform. The team covers everything from brand building and exhibition events to product design and development. The platform collaborates with thousands of designers and is deeply connected with various industries. Cheerfor operates four self-owned factories in Taiwan and has established over seven self-operated brand spaces across the country, striving to closely integrate design with everyday life.