Brand Introduction

皮康是 2 位島主和 16 貓 1 犬組成的一座貓島,我們是創作者也是流浪貓中途之家。品牌接觸到流浪動物,源於大學時期領養的一隻柴犬阿公。領養他後,我們開始親身投入台灣動保活動,並以動物友善為理念,將自己和流浪動物間的故事化為靈感,創作插畫圖文與商品,希望透過輕鬆可愛的方式傳遞動物友善理念。

"Pikang" is not only a Taiwanese design brand but also a stray cat halfway home, which is composed of two girls, fifteen cats and one dog. The brand takes animal-friendliness as the concept, and takes the stories of living with stray animals as inspiration in order to create images and Taiwan canvas supplies.