

Floral Skirt

Brand Introduction

故事從一個平常的日子開啟,像是機械般的例行公事,起床、刷牙臉,匆然地打卡上班,再索然無味的按下重播鍵... 直到穿上衣櫃裡的那件花裙子,終於改變主角長久來的困頓與徬徨,藉著一段奇幻旅程,將自信、熱情、冒險與夢想這些人格特質幻化為個個鮮明可愛的角色, 美好的相遇重新拾新的冒險旅程。

The story begins on an ordinary day with routine chores: waking up, brushing teeth, and clocking in at work. Life changes when the protagonist puts on a floral skirt, breaking free from confusion and hesitation. A magical journey transforms confidence, passion, adventure, and dreams into vivid, lovable characters, leading to new adventures.