

cama Beano & Friends

Brand Introduction

cama Beano & Friends是由連鎖咖啡品牌cama café所打造的品牌。由屢獲國際殊榮的設計總監創作,其中Beano是靈魂人物,他的座右銘是“放鬆不放空”,提醒大家在努力之餘要適時放鬆。設計靈感來自咖啡豆,造型簡單但不膚淺,每個角色都具有獨特的表情。

cama Beano & Friends is a brand by cama Café, centered around Beano, whose motto is "Relax, but don't space out." This message encourages balanced relaxation and hard work. Inspired by coffee beans, the characters' designs are simple yet meaningful, each with unique expressions. Created by an internationally acclaimed design director, these characters highlight innovative creativity.