Brand Introduction

『艸化工事 Maison du Corsage』,將延續了數十年的法式古典造花工藝,跳脫框架,重新賦予靈魂;以現代感的設計,及多種材質的混搭,運用更活潑的方式來呈現作品,因而成立品牌『Maison du Corsage』,中文名稱為『艸化工事』,艸與化即為『花』之意。

The historic floral handcrafts are born again in her designer brand, "Maison du Corsage". Featured with the up-to-date design and the wild combination of multi-material, Maison du Corsage presents its pieces with sprightliness. Maison du Corsage takes the Chinese name, "艸化工事"; the combination of "艸" and "化" makes the Chinese letter "花" meaning flowers