

Hello Studio

Brand Introduction

臺灣原創插畫雜貨與文具品牌,以文具起家,原創設計的紙膠帶、貼紙、手帳等經典小物深受文具控與插畫迷的喜愛。近年來,品牌積極拓展至生活雜貨領域,並進行跨界聯名與IP角色圖像授權等商業合作。品牌最受歡迎的IP角色「小狐狸狐吉 Huchii」,以其活潑溫暖的角色形象廣受群眾喜愛。

”Say hello and bring illustration into your daily life.“
Hello Studio is a stationery and lifestyle brand based in Taiwan.
We takes inspiration from daily life and each journey, also applies colorful illustrations onto stationery and different product.
We look forward to expanding our illustration product and collaborated with different field in the world.