Brand Introduction
【小田月所】是我的小屋,裡面充滿無限想像 天馬行空 繽紛色彩的世界
悄悄潛入你平凡的日子裡,不管在何處都願你看見時能會心一笑 為你生活帶來色彩
悄悄潛入你平凡的日子裡,不管在何處都願你看見時能會心一笑 為你生活帶來色彩
【hihi.sep】This is my cabin, which is full of infinite imagination and colorful world.
I create illustrations and merchandise from daily life, big and small, and sneak into your ordinary days. No matter where you are, I hope you will smile when you see my create and bring more different color and shape things to your life.
I create illustrations and merchandise from daily life, big and small, and sneak into your ordinary days. No matter where you are, I hope you will smile when you see my create and bring more different color and shape things to your life.