Cultural Curation

In “NÁ KHUÀNN NÁ KÌ,” the interactions between the Taiwanese people and their land, culture, and geography are presented in a documentary style. Like multiplying and clustering cells, their stories facilitate a dialogue between the past and the present, from tracing origins to contemporary evolutions.
Through interviews and profiles, little known stories of professionalism and the human spirit come to life.

In this year's cultural exhibition area of the Creative Expo Taiwan, the spatial design is based on 'cultural cells' as the basic unit. Each cultural cell is unique, representing the diverse possibilities of culture. These cells symbolize every individual, every subject, every county, every city, and every issue on this island. While each may have a different appearance, within these cells, the chromosomes of democracy and freedom are deeply embedded. All the rich and diverse forms stem from a single, small yet powerful cell. Through the division and fusion of these cells, they form the foundation for the growth and reproduction of all things.

Curatorial Team:THE SELF LTD.

The SELF Ltd. works meticulously on reading, field surveys, research, and planning when crafting and curating their own exhibitions, events, forums, and workshops. In the hands of The SELF, intricate subjects are unraveled adeptly, and the subtle nuances and hidden details within shine out. The greatest joy, for The SELF, is to be engaged with the public and fostering meaningful communication.

Because of freedom, and because of division, we are each independent individuals, yet we are also a united community.
The foundation of growth and reproduction in living organisms lies in cell division. After dividing, cells may develop into forms that are similar and identical, or into ones that are vastly different, even opposed. These variations arise from the genes of freedom and democracy. Each of us is an independent person, with our own faces, positions, and identities. Across generations, there may be continuity, or there may be divergence.

In these differences, in our multitude of identities, there are moments when we come together as a single community, steadfast in upholding the values of freedom and defending the dignity of democracy. Embedded in our very bones and blood is the essence of being both independent and free, yet also part of a united whole.