Cultural Curation

NÁ-É ÁN-NE’ focuses on cultural creativity and surprises in the present day. With exhibition forums, we hope to initiate multifaceted discussions. The dialogues among artists, issues, and mediums shall collectively ‘make each moment historic for the one that follows.’ Exhibition forums actively make existing spaces more experimental. The varied issues being discussed, in exhibition halls, theaters, and lecture halls, are allowed to grow and change organically, resonating with visitors in an immersive experience.

The exhibition forums will attempt to start from contemporary cultural issues, focusing on the characteristics of microhistory and international experiences. By bringing together cultural producers from various fields and facilitating dialogues through different media and work experiences, the forums aim to uncover potential connections and possibilities for the future.

Curatorial Team:Art Happening Ltd.

Established in 2013, Art Happening specializes in narrative study, articulating fleeting memories about objects in the visual language of contemporary art and design. Through the reinterpretation of issues, Art Happening creates new contexts, inviting viewers to resonate with new understandings of the reinterpretation of issues in question and themselves and explore the different dimensions of the issue-based curation. By exploring the diverse possibilities at the intersection of culture, creativity, and design, Art Happening aims to foster a closer connection between arts and culture and the broader audience.


  • Lecture Date:8/30(Fri)14:00-15:30
  • Lecture Topic:Chills in Summer: A History of Taiwanese Urban Legends

The mysterious stories scattered across Taiwan—what is truth, and what is mere myth? Behind each tale lies an untold history of local geography and folklore. By delving into classic cases that have circulated in Taiwanese society over the decades, we uncover the land's history and culture, revealing the memories of different eras and backgrounds over the past century.

  • Lecture Date:8/31(Sat) 11:00-12:00
  • Lecture Topic:The Island Fortress: Taiwan’s History with the World

From the Dutch colonial period in 1624 to the Japanese colonial period, Taiwan has faced numerous external challenges over the past four centuries. Various groups have come and gone, viewing Taiwan as a target for their ambitions or interests. Consequently, each regime, within its own historical context, planned and constructed defensive structures. Many of the war and military remnants that exist in Taiwan today are the products of responses to these challenges. Fortresses, batteries, and strongholds—all were built to resist external forces. Even though they have lost their original functions, these structures are more than just tourist attractions; they are witnesses to centuries of Taiwanese history. By reflecting on the historical background of these remnants, we are reminded of the concept of 'Taiwan - a member of the global community' in the present moment.

  • Lecture Date:9/1(Sun) 13:00-14:00
  • Lecture Topic:Katsi bags, small beer glasses, and red plastic chairs: How these Taiwan-specific items become international hits

Taiwan-specific items have long been a part of everyday life, and while they may seem commonplace here, they’ve become incredibly popular overseas! In this session, we will invite three speakers from different fields to share their experiences of transforming everyday Taiwanese objects into cultural symbols. They will discuss the role of these Taiwan-specific items in cultural diplomacy, reflecting on the differences between how they were perceived a decade ago versus today, and exploring the potential trends and developments in the future of grassroots cultural diplomacy.


  • Forum Date:8/28(Wed) 14:00-15:30
  • Forum Topic:The future of culture

What is the value of art and culture to society? In a highly digitalized world where information spreads rapidly, how will art and culture connect with the public?

  • Forum Date:8/30(Fri) 16:30-17:30
  • Forum Topic:About the consultants

In recent years, the cultural and creative industries have seen a surge in large-scale exhibitions and events, with different cities participating each year to showcase their unique charms through the power of culture, creativity, and design. Whether it's the depth of history, the beauty of the local landscape, or innovative developments, each city reveals Taiwan's diverse and multifaceted nature. In the planning process of these events, consultants play a special role alongside the curatorial teams. We have invited cultural exhibition consultants, who have accompanied countless teams across Taiwan in recent years, to discuss the trends and developments in recent exhibition activities.

  • Forum Date:9/1(Sun) 15:00-16:30
  • Forum Topic:Let’s talk about the EXPO

The 'Creative Expo Taiwan' has been held for many years, evolving through various stages. It not only showcases the energy and commercialization of Taiwan's cultural creativity but also offers a fresh interpretation of industry, art, design, and life through its annually impressive cultural exhibitions. These exhibitions allow the public to understand the stories of Taiwan's land from different perspectives. What challenges and interesting moments have arisen during the preparation and planning of such a grand event each year? We have specially invited the chief planners of recent Creative Expos to come together and share the unique stories, tasks, and insights from each edition, as well as to discuss their visions and expectations for the Expo.

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  • Show Date:08/26(Mon) 16:00​​
  • Show Topic:Fruit Kingdom KIKI LOUNGE​

Welcome to Fruit Kingdom KIKI LOUNGE! The Ballroom guided tour is about to begin! Have you ever seen those voguing dip videos online and wanted to learn more about Voguing Ballroom but didn’t know where to start? In this KIKI LOUNGE, three legendary houses—House of Louboutin, House of Versace, and House of Desire—will guide you through the four major categories of Ballroom: Beauty (FACE), Fashion (RUNWAY), Realness, and Performance. Each category will include a professional explanation, and at the end, a fierce battle will determine the champion house! Don’t miss it!

Left:House of Desire / Center: of Versace_ / Right: of Louboutin
  • Team Introduction

The Legendary Luxurious House of Louboutin  Founded in New York in 2010, this international house established its Taiwan chapter in 2022 and has been active in various Ballroom events and categories in Taiwan. The house was founded with a strong emphasis on gender and racial diversity, and the Taiwan members take pride in their participation across multiple categories and in their fluidity in gender expression.

9.5K Haus of Versace (Kiki)  Founded in Philadelphia, USA in 2018, this house is one of the international families within the Kiki scene of Ballroom culture. The house’s image is symbolized by the goddess Medusa from the iconic brand, known for her unparalleled allure, captivating all who are mesmerized by the charm of VERSACE, leaving them awestruck and petrified by her dazzling beauty. The emblem of the House of Versace represents our unique yet united spirit. Though we come from different corners of the world, when we come together, we work as one to create greatness as a family.

House of Desire Founded in 2016, this Tainan-based Ballroom family includes members from across northern, central, and southern Taiwan, encompassing dancers, drag queens, and GoGo dancers. The family actively promotes Taiwan's Ballroom culture and is frequently invited to perform at commercial parties, university dance showcases, and charity events.

Performance curation:Bogie Specialty Dance Styles: Waacking, Voguing Bogie has achieved impressive results in dance competitions around the world, particularly excelling in freestyle. He has also been invited to serve as a choreographer and instructor for various street dance clubs at major universities in Taiwan, including National Taiwan University, National Taiwan Normal University, National Chengchi University, National Tsing Hua University, and National Chiao Tung University. Despite being deaf in his left ear, he excels in Waacking, a dance style that heavily relies on musicality. His dream is to create a performance that brings joy to everyone who watches it.

Left:House of Desire / Center:House of Versace_ / Right:House of Louboutin

  • Show Date:08/29(Thu)17:00​
  • Show Topic:Tiě Shih Yù Líng Lóng​

"Tiě Shih Yù Líng Lóng" is a performance that combines traditional storytelling with modern humor, absurd comedy, and wordplay, creating a fusion of past and present. Primarily in Taiwanese with some Mandarin, the show is known for its witty, subversive style and has gained popularity for its playful take on language. The use of hypertext-like

Tiě Shih Yù Líng Lóng Photo by 劉振祥
  • Team Introduction
Left:許效舜, Right:澎恰恰,Photo by 劉振祥
  • Show Date:08/31(Sat)13:00、16:00​​
  • Show Topic:Wings of Hope​

A performance filled with the power of dreams and vibrant energy from all directions—'Wings of Hope' is a piece in the form of plaza art, where body and sound artists use self-made instrument carts and mechanical puppetry to symbolize how those who have lost hope can rediscover their forgotten memories of flight. 'Wings of Hope' is one of Body Phase Theatre’s most invited plaza performances, featuring stilt walkers adorned with eye-catching wings and lively Samba drum performances. Combined with the group's signature interactive segments, infectious rhythms, and a strong carnival atmosphere, the performance invites the audience to join in the birth of hope and to open a pair of wings for dreams, soaring freely into the sky!

《Wings of Hope》Sun Son Plus
Sun Son Plus
‘Sun Son Plus’ spans both performance planning and production, bringing together a team of versatile artists. With a vibrant and lively approach, the brand focuses on outdoor and street performances, crossing various domains to offer diverse forms of entertainment. Their performances emphasize a rich combination of visual elements, drumming, and interactive experiences. Highlights include popular stilt-walking performances with elaborate costumes, percussion parades featuring creative floats, and more. Over the years, they have brought their dynamic energy to unconventional spaces through parades and environmental art, creating rich and lively performances.
  • Show Date:8/30(Fri)14:00、18:00​​​、8/31(Sat)14:00、17:00​​​
  • Show Topic:The Future Vision: Boundless Possibilities of Walking in the SkySlackDimension​

Starting from the heart, find balance in chaos and seek direction in the unknown. As you set out again, the journey back and forth leads you to rediscover yourself. Take a deep breath, and challenge the vast expanse of exposure, the bottomless fear. The struggles and obstacles you overcome on the rope all lead towards the end, where light surely awaits.

Performance Illustration of 'The Future Vision: Boundless Possibilities of Walking in the Sky'
  • Team Introduction
SlackDimension aims to break free from the linear framework, seeking to create a tensor equation that aligns with various forms of art. Through sharing and performances, we hope to introduce more people to this intriguing and challenging activity, showcasing its multifaceted value across different domains.
  • Show Date:09/01(Sun)14:00、17:00
  • Show Topic:Landscape of Time​

The body is the vessel of consciousness, with thoughts moving within it. The present moment is the only time that can be truly felt, as it instantly becomes the past while the future remains ever before us. The body, as a medium of performance, responds to the contemporary sense of time, depicting the past and contemplating the future in a fluid form. In this moment, constantly shifting within time, every action lays the foundation for the future, creating countless ripple effects. Shaping the future based on clues from the past, we seize each present moment as a cornerstone of the future. Performance is a deep reflection on the present, with every moment becoming a part of future history. Thoughts and actions stir the waters of time, and together we look forward to capturing each moment, for it will become the history of the future.

Performance Illustration of 'Landscape of Time'
  • Team Introduction
With the core spirit of "though starlight is small, when gathered, it shines brilliantly," we bring together circus professionals from both domestic and international backgrounds, calling for cross-disciplinary collaboration. By combining contemporary humanistic narratives and aesthetic elements, we aim to showcase the diversity of modern circus and expand the boundaries of imagination.